1.1.3 - Grammar Points

 1. 他不仅足球踢得好,性格不错。  


“不仅” is a conjunction that means “not only”. It’s often followed by “也/还/而且”, meaning “not only... but also...”. “不仅” is used after the subject when the two clauses share the same subject, and it is used before the first subject when the two clauses have different subjects.

For example:

Same subject:

- 我不仅会说汉语,会说法语。(我会说汉语;我会说法语。)

I can speak not only Chinese but also French.

- 她不仅喜欢跳舞,喜欢唱歌。(她喜欢跳舞;她喜欢唱歌。)

She likes not only dancing but also singing.

- 我爸爸不仅去过美国,而且去过很多次。(我爸爸去过美国;我爸爸去过很多次。)

My dad has been to the US not only once, but many times.

Different subjects:


Not only did I not understand it, but the other students didn't either.

不仅妈妈不同意我和他结婚,我爸爸不同意。(妈妈不同意; 爸爸不同意。)

Not only does my mother disagree with me on marrying him, but my father also does. 

不仅我会做中国菜,他会做中国菜。(我会做中国菜; 他会做中国菜。)

Not only I but also he can cook Chinese food.


“从来” is an adverb that means something has always been like this from the past to the present. It’s usually used in negative sentences. The phrase “从来不/没” means “never”. In positive sentences, you can use “一直” to indicate something has always been like this from the past to the present.

For example:

- 我从来没去过美国。

I have never been to The USA.

- 他从来没给我打过电话。

He has never called me on the phone.

- 我爸爸从来不抽烟。

My father never smokes.

- 我们老板开会从来不迟到。

Our boss never arrives late to meetings.

- 我一直开车去上班,从来没坐过公交车。

I always drive to work and have never taken the bus.

- 爷爷一直住在乡下,从来没去过城里。

Grandpa has always lived in the countryside, so he has never been to the city.

Notice that "从来" is seldom used in an affirmative sentence. When it is used, it can be replaced with "一直". For example:

-他从来都是一个人吃饭。= 他一直都是一个人吃饭。

He always eats alone.

3.刚 VS 刚才 

Both “刚” and “刚才” can indicate that an action that just happened a short time ago. So what's the difference?

1) "刚" and "刚才" are different parts of speech. “刚” is an adverb, which can only be used before the verb. Yet “刚才” is a noun of time that can be used either before or after the subject. In addition, they have different emphases in the sentences.

刚 adv. just; 刚才 n. just now
Subject + 刚 + verb (object) 
刚才+ subject + verb / subject +刚才+ verb

For example:


Your mom just went out.

-你儿子刚才来找过你。= 刚才你儿子来找过你。

Your son came to see you just now.


I just got the email. I have been admitted.

刚才收到邮件,我被录取了。= 刚才我收到邮件,我被录取了。

I received the email just now, and I was accepted.

2) "刚才" means that something happened just before you speak, indicating that the time interval is very short. “刚” can be used in a past event (a short time ago or a long time ago), or a future event. For example:


I went to lunch just now(before you speak)


just started learning Chinese last week. (long time ago)


When you first start learning to drive, don't be afraid, and trust your coach. (future event)

3) "刚才" can be followed by a negative word, while "刚" can not. For example:


I didn't go out just now.


I didn’t want to eat just now.

4)"刚" can also mean achieving to a certain degree. For example:


He just passed.


This pair of shoes is not too big or too small, it just fits.

5)"刚" is often used with "想/要" to indicate that something is about to happen but hasn't happened yet. For example:


I was just about to call you when you came back.


I was about to go out when the phone rang.

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